1975 Türkiye ikinci Güzeli Manolya Onur (57) ile kendinden 20 yaş küçü การแปล - 1975 Türkiye ikinci Güzeli Manolya Onur (57) ile kendinden 20 yaş küçü อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

1975 Türkiye ikinci Güzeli Manolya

1975 Türkiye ikinci Güzeli Manolya Onur (57) ile kendinden 20 yaş küçük model Can Bozok'un aşkı Ocak 2008'de başlamıştı. 2011'de ilişkilerine mola vermişler, 5 ay sonra birbirlerinin hasretine dayanamayıp yeniden bir araya gelmişlerdi. Manolya Onur, "Kocam" diye bahsettiği Can Bozok'tan Haziran'da Tayland'ın Phuket Adası'nda ayrılmış, tek başına İstanbul'a dönmüştü. Ayrılığın nedeni meğer Can Bozok'un Tayland'a yerleşmek istemesiymiş. Çünkü Phuket Adası'nda emlakçılığa soyunmuş. Aralarında Selma Türkeş'in de olduğu birçok Türk'ün evini kiraya veriyormuş.

Manolya Onur, eski eşi Haydarabad Nizamı Bereket Şah'tan olan ve artık İstanbul'da yaşayan kızı Nilüfer'den ayrı kalamayacağını söyleyince sevgilisiyle yolları ayrılmış. İşin ilginç tarafı şu; Phuket Adası'nı ikinci vatanı ilan eden Can Bozok hâlâ Manolya Onur'un 3 katlı müthiş villasında kalıyormuş! Manolya Onur, "Can'ı seviyor ve özlüyorum.

Ayrıca da kıskanıyorum. Zaten her gün 4-5 kez konuşuyoruz. Şimdilik her şeyi akışına bıraktık. Bakarsınız 2-3 ay sonra dayanamayız, ilişkimize kaldığı yerden devam ederiz. Tabii o zamana kadar Can yalnız kalırsa" diyor.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Beautiful magnolia honors in 1975 from turkey (57) and the self-love of Bozok January 2008, began life 20 years younger model. Relations in 2011, had given a break, five months later, could not stand each other's longing to come together again. magnolia honor, "my husband," he talks about life on Phuket Island, Thailand in June Bozok separated and returned to Istanbul alone.unless the reason for the separation can settle Bozok istemesiymiş Thailand. Because emlakçılığa stripped Phuket Island. rented house in Turke selma been giving them as many Turks.

magnolia honor his ex-wife and is now living in Istanbul, daughter of Shah abundance of Hyderabad Nilüfer statute can not remain separate paths separated from her boyfriend told.The interesting thing is, phuket island bozok can still proclaimed second home magnolia Onur 3-storey villa was staying awesome! magnolia honor, "Joe's love and miss you.

also envy you. already speak 4-5 times each day. now left the flow of everything. gonna make you look after 2-3 months, our relationship will continue where it left off.Until of course he can not remain alone, "he says.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Miss Magnolia (57) second Turkey in 1975 with the love of the model 20 years younger himself Bazuka began in January 2008. in 2011, they break their relationship couldn't stand each other, ending our 5 months after they came together again. Manolya Onur, "my husband," she said from Thailand's Phuket Island in the Bazuka in June, had returned to İstanbul alone. Separation is because it turns out that istemesiymiş of Thailand to settle Bazuka. Because I always had this interest in Phuket Island stripped down. Many Turks, including the Selma turkes in rented house.

Manolya Onur, former wife of the Shah and the order of abundance of Hyderabad is no longer separated from her daughter, who lives in İstanbul, said he couldn't stay with paths dedicated to Lotus. The interesting part is that; Phuket Island proclaimed the second homeland Bazuka still staying at his villa in Magnolia 3-storey great Honor! Manolya Onur, "love and miss you

I also envy you. Already, we're talking about 4-5 times every day. For now, everything is left to the flow. We're not going to look at it after 2-3 months, we will resume our relationship. Of course, by that time Can remain alone, "he says.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
Founded in 1975, Magnolia Turkey second Honors (57) and 20 age-small model Can Bozok's hitch had started in January 2008. In 2011, relations between gave a break, 5 months of the other's give way hasretine came together again. Magnolia Honor, "My husband" he spoke of Can Bozok in June, from Thailand's Phuket Island, in dedicated, stand-alone returned to Istanbul.Legal separation is because It seems that Can Bozok's Thailand, a habitation istemesiymis. as Phuket Island, in emlakcılıga peeled off. including Selma Turkes's as it is in many Turkish is rented out his house and leave. &

Magnolia Honor, the former wife, Hyderabad's method from a blessing, and you are no longer living in Istanbul, daughter of Lotus from sweetheart when I told her how to remain separate.The interesting side of Phuket Island, in the second contingent to announce Bozok Can still Honor Magnolia's 3-storey villa at great you're staying! Magnolia Honor, "Can I love, and I miss It. &

also is jealous. Already every day we talk about 4 or 5 times. At this time we left everything to flow out. They may as well publish dayanamayız after 2-3 months, we resume our relationship.And of course it's up to the time he Can leave on his own," says if it is stuck.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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