sevgin bu değil geçici. sevgin bu sonsuza dek sürecek. Seni unutmak istemezdim. Ben küçük bir kızın değilim. Ben istemiyorum bir oyuncak. Ben olmak gerek seninki kiz.,( your heidi ,your bella ). Değil her kim her Erkekler. "Sadece seninki.
love is not temporary. love that will last forever. I did not want to forget. I'm not a little girl. I do not want a toy. I need to be yours, girl., (your heidi, your bella). whoever is not all men. "only yours.
This is not temporary. your loyal love your loyal love will continue this forever.i would not want to forget that. i i. i am i am not a small girl i don't want to be a toy. i need girls that yours. ,( your because he was ,your bella ) . Not all men who. "Only yours.